Kaun Banega Crorepati (KBC 5) has given Rs five crore, its biggest prize so far. The boy from Bihar has still to come out of shock following this huge reward, says S Ahmed of NVONews.Com Patna/ Motihari: First the news. A computer operator Sushil Kumar working earning Rupees Six Thousand per month from MNREGA office near Motihari and who couldnt even spend his day in entertainment have now become a crorepathi, he used to teach tutors in the part time to spend money. Bihar has won the biggest ever television show’s prize money of Rupees Five Crore. The world would be watching the show ‘Kaun Banega Crorepati’ or KBC 5 on the 2nd of November hosted by the Superstar Amitabh Bachchan. Though everybody is talking about the determination of Sushil but he was a very poor student and could not pass his matriculation exams in his first attempt. Aged 27-year and having a postgraduate degree in psychology Sushil needed to answer correctly thirteen questions in all. Thirteen questions w...