Who makes the virus?

Well this might be a bit shocking for you...But it is true that antivirus companies make 95% of the virus that hit the computers.

You might be wondering....
Why the hell should the anti virus companies make virus???

By writing viruses themselves they can have a ready-made antidote available in seconds, which can be deployed in exchange for cash and the occasional pat on the back.
It might be a controversial suggestion from me...
Keep in mind that this is only my opinion and this does not nessasarily affect the opinion of anyone else . I think that anti virus companies such as Norton and MaCafee are the ones who develop most of the viruses on the market today. If you think about it, it does make sense because in order to make a good product, you need to make something that wears out or needs to be refilled/recharged. The anti virus companies accomplish this by forcing you to pay every couple of months for updated virus definitions one way or another. If nobody is writting any viruses than they are not making any money so in order to keep business going they either pay someone under the counter to develop them or develop them themselves. Hasn't it ever occured to you why the anti virus companies know exactley what to do to remedy the virus?

Actually there are two types of virus's.
1. In the Zoo - Rarely seen out on the net.
2. In the Wild - The ones we are constantly cleaning.
Read a book quite a while ago about virus's quite an intersting book I must say, the AV companies in fact do have progammers who work stricktly with viruses and from what I can remember of the book the companies AV programmers take a new virus out in the wild and pick it apart to see what makes it tick, they put out defintions to cure them, however they also recreate the viruses with several different possible strains and make definitions for these as well. These are called the in the Zoo viruses, they are ones that never touch the internet. The ones typically in the zoo are the more serious ones, they create these themselves so they can make virus defintions and they are usally variants of the more serious viruses we have here, they just make them more problemsome and serious and create definitions for them. The book was really interesting to read and put my mind at ease about the nature of virus's and how AV's companies deal with creating definitions for them.
So from reading this well written book and from research on the net, I think it works both ways, yes they do create viruses however they never reach the net. Which leaves the question open of weather they release them or not just in order to increase sales. I don't think they have the time nor the manpower to do this as there are plenty of people out there creating these nasty buggers without AV companies creating more and releasing them. They have thier own agenda in their own creations and that is to make more defintions advailable to us out there so we may be protected. I wish i can remember the name of the book, i looked for it and can not find it. I been looking for this book for some time now and haven't been able to find it since august.


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