Severely Disabled Play Second Life by Thought Alone
Second Life Virtual World
Two severely disabled people suffering from a condition known as Lou Gehrig’s disease have been able to control Avatars in the virtual world ‘Second Life’. Lou Gehrigs disease means that somebody with the condition can leave people so severely paralysed that they can only move their eyes. It is also known as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or ALS for short. The two disabled people mentioned were part of a larger study group of over 50 disabled people who were given access to a new brain – computer interface or BCI.
Developed by a company that specialises in medical engineering, G.Tec of Schiedlberg, Austria – the new interface allows users to explore virtual worlds as well as operate lights, TV’s and anything else connected to the interface.
Similar brain computer interfaces have existed for a while but this system differs in that it is much more accurate and can more accurately detect brain waves. A common type of brain signal that is produced when a user is suprised by something is known as the P300 and it is this that the brain computer interface detects.
Using icons on a screen, they can detect the peaks in the P300 signal of the persons brain giving a way for them to control whatever the interface is set up for. In this instance, it was controlling an avatar in the online virtual world ‘Second Life’.
The company hopes to add similar control functions to wheelchairs and other devices that will give more freedom to the severely disabled and increase their independance and mobility.
What a great thing, when technology and medecine can come together to enrich the lives of those much less fortunate than ourselves. I hope this technology becomes more prolific in the future!
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